2) Introduction - current market situation (about half page)
3) Background of company and range of products. Also state choice of product and the market I intend to serve. Tool: Use BCG Matrix and PLC (around 200 words)
In the main body, I'd like to cover these key topics:-
4) Market Description - Referring to constantly changing process, I will focus on what are the target customer, consumer profile, current business environment needs and comprehensive brands in the chosen market. Also devise ways to strengthen the competitive position.
Tool: Include Porter 5 forces and PEST
5) Product review - give a brief description about the new product specification (not about technical spec)
6) Competitive review. A review of closest competitions. Tool: Use CPM tool
7) Distribution review. Briefly discuss the product distributed at present and short coming. Tool: Use Value Chain Analysis
8) SWOT Analysis. This is to strengthen the competitive position of the company. Tool: Use SWOT
9) Objective and Issues. First talk about Marketing Objectives (1 year plan) and follow by Finance Objective (state target % increase as compare to last 1 year). After that, briefly talk about current problems and issues found in Marketing.
10) Marketing Strategy - chose Differentiation strategy and target for branding. Talk about Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) approach
11) Marketing Mix - use 7 Ps to explain my plan in details
12) Marketing Research - State primary and secondary data i.e. Survey and follow by exact plan
13) Marketing plan. Show organization chart to who is going to be responsible for this project. Talk about relationship and decision making with other department especially in the complex situation.
14) Action plan for next 1 year. Tool: Use Gantt Chart
15) Budget. Cover Sales revenue projection, cost projection, break-even point and project projection.
16) Controls - System and Control to be put in place to ensure the plan is successfully roll out
17) Conclusion - touch about Contingency Plans. Possibility in the future market.