Assignment requirements
This is an individual assignment. Students are required to choose a case study and produce a detailed report based on the findings. The case study must be related to the use of mobile computing as business solution. The main objective of this assignment is to learn how to transform a set of business requirements into a successful and well-defined mobile solution.
The assignment should encompass the following areas:
1. The background study of the scenario (The concept, the existing system and methods)
2. The analysis of the system requirements (may involve interview and questionnaire with appropriate personnel like employees and employer )
3. The design of the mobile solution (the features and services)
4. The study of the supporting technology and infrastructure (mobile software, hardware and network)
5. The prototype design of the solution (user interface)
6. The study of the potential implementation issues (security, payment method).
Report Content
The report should follow proper reporting format and referencing methods. The report also should contain table of content, introduction, findings which are divided into proper chapters, conclusion, references and appendixes (if any).
Assignment Submission and Presentation
The assignment report should be printed, bind and attach with a software copy of the mobile application /website in CD-R. Students are required to present their assignment and demonstrate their mobile solutions (website).