Question 1
a. Based on recent research on international human resource management, compare and contrast the American and European models of managing human resource based on the case.
Structures and people expectation is different in every country and there is no one HRM approach that will be accepted in all places. Each individual and workplace is different among each other and the same HRM approach that work for MPS in America didn’t necessary mean it will also work in the European market. The European HRM is completely different from the American models since the culture, structure, law and regulation, worker attitude and expectation, trade union involvement and others are all distinguish from each other.
HRM as a concept was first popularized in USA (Adler, 2002) and the American culture is more toward individualist and more achievement oriented compared to most culture (Hodgetts & Luthans, 2003; Farra, 2006). American have the culture TBC..
As for the feedback mechanism, it is effective when MPS implemented it in America that has low power distance culture. However, it is not accepted in France since France has a high power distance culture which is afraid of uncertainty and obvious hierarchy still exist (Hofstede, 1984). Thus, the French worker does not like to speak out their own opinion or suggestion and preferred to have a line manager with an authoritative air, technically proficient and capable of directing the workforce towards work tasks. Unlike France , TBC..
Moreover, MPS in America do not have trade union and consciously followed a policy of best-practice HRM to keep out union influence. However, in the context of European HRM, “harmonization is leading to the establishment of works TBC..
Thus, the American model of managing people is not suitable to be implement in the European countries since there are a huge cultural different between them. TBC..