Tuesday, August 4, 2009

SEC Comment Letters--In Your Mailbox Soon?

The accounting firm Crowe Horwath has published an article Recent Trends in SEC Comment Letters--Reproduced in its entirety below.

In December 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff indicated at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments that they would be conducting targeted reviews of fair value, other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) of securities, and other asset impairments. As a result, several recent examples of SEC staff comment letters on periodic filings (Form 10-Qs and 10-Ks) have a clear focus on these issues.

Following are some general themes present in comment letters from the SEC staff on recent filings that might be helpful for registrants to consider as they prepare periodic filings. Management should carefully review their company's accounting policies as well as related financial statement and management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) disclosures related to these issues.

OTTI of Securities
The SEC has:

  • Asked registrants to justify why securities with fair values significantly below cost are not considered to be OTTI.
  • For securities with ratings of "default" or "speculative," the SEC has asked how management determined that an adverse change in cash flows had not occurred.
  • Challenged registrants on whether the losses for sales of securities after a period end should have been recognized in the prior period.
  • Asked registrants to provide specific information about securities with significant unrealized losses.
  • Requested information includes the specific issuer and name of each security; type of underlying collateral, credit rating, severity, and duration of the unrealized loss; and how the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer were considered when determining that no OTTI was present.

The SEC has asked registrants to:

  • Provide implied discount rates used in determining fair value of securities when using Level 3 inputs (in accordance with the guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board Staff Position 157-3 (FSP FAS 157-3), “Determining the Fair Value of a Financial Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not Active,” and FSP FAS 157-4, “Determining Fair Value When the Volume and Level of Activity for the Asset or Liability Have Significantly Decreased and Identifying Transactions That Are Not Orderly”).
  • Reconcile the cash flows used to determine fair value with the cash flows used to assess OTTI.
    Indicate the systems and controls used to validate prices received from third parties when valuing securities.

Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
The SEC has commented on:

  • Implied control premiums used to determine fair value of reporting units for purposes of step one of goodwill impairment tests. Assumptions used to determine fair value must be supportable and should not contradict observable data about recent transactions.
  • The lack of support for a reasonable period in the context of determining market capitalization of a reporting unit.
  • The lack of support for assumptions used when determining the fair value of an intangible asset – for example, when a multiperiod earnings approach has been used.

Presentation and Disclosure

Loans and the Allowance for Loan Losses
The SEC has:

  • Asked registrants to consider more disaggregated disclosure about loan portfolios – for example, providing disclosures by exposure to subprime, alt A-paper, or other relatively high-risk loans.
  • Commented on disclosing reasons for changes (or lack thereof) in general loan reserves considering changes in credit risk.
  • Commented on presenting the basis for each risk category and the method for determining the loss factor applied to each category. It has asked companies to specifically identify how historical loss trends were adjusted based on current factors.
  • Asked registrants to explain reasons for directional inconsistencies in loan-loss allowances – for example, when impaired loans increased but specifically identified reserves decreased.

The SEC has requested:

  • More disclosure of reasons for transfers into and out of the Level 3 category and more robust discussion of how fair value was determined when classified as Level 3.
  • Support for securities being presented as Level 2 that appear to require Level 3 classification based on other disclosures.
